I continue to read the great material the WordPress bloggers write every day. I feel like I have access to many muses with such diversity of discourse and thought. Thoughts about thoughts that can be mind boggling at times. To all those who follow my blog I am very grateful for your continued support. You inspire me to become more thoughtful about the words I choose and about what I write. Thank you. Happy blogging!

From: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/texaspoet
“Many write poems to sell. Others to gather a form of following of one’s ego. My only reason in writing my poetry is to share my own personal journey with others.”

From: http://zenscribbles.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/to-curse-or-not-to-curse-that-is-the-question/
“While I know that real life is not all sunshine and daisies and curse words are employed quite regularly in the everyday language, I don’t see their purpose or literary merit when it comes to fiction. Some might say that it’s realistic and manages to show just how angry or peeved a character is, but as someone once told me, you don’t need to use swearing to show that. A good writer will be able to show the reader just how angry their character is by employing other techniques.”

From: http://nhwn.wordpress.com/2011/12/14/top-10-gifts-for-writers/
“What do you give a writer? You can’t bottle inspiration, buying an agreeable agent would probably be out of your budget, and I don’t think the antidote for writer’s block has been discovered yet (though I’m betting a placebo would do just as well).”

From: http://101books.net/2012/09/20/ian-mcewan-on-his-writing-process/
“I love hearing about the writing process of successful novelists. It makes me realize that these people are just like me–they’ve figured out there is no set formula on writing and they do what works for them.”

From: http://nhwn.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/writers-are-teachers-are-you-ready-to-teach/
“TeachNow changed my understanding of what it is to be a teacher. I learned that the teacher doesn’t need to know everything. I learned that teaching is less about instruction and more about helping students rediscover what they already know. I learned that teaching is also about holding space and giving students permission to explore and experiment and create. My friend just posted this quote on Twitter and it reminded me of everything I learned with TeachNow: “The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.”
~Seymour Papert

From: http://akissofbliss.wordpress.com/
“If others are putting you down or pointing out your flaws, then consider the source. Smile, and outshine them with your positive attitude.”

4 responses to “WordPress Bloggers Quotable Quotes”

  1. Suddenly Jamie (@suddenlyjamie) Avatar
    Suddenly Jamie (@suddenlyjamie)

    Thanks for the reblog on my Writers are Teachers post. It’s a great quote! 🙂


  2. tersiaburger Avatar

    I have nominated you for the Lovely Bloggers Award. I wanted to acknowledge how much I appreciate your blog. http://tersiaburger.com/2012/09/29/lovely-blog-award


    1. poemattic Avatar

      Thanks so much!
