A Week to be Mindful and Grateful

Last year about his time, I was experiencing much doubt as to whether or not I should be grateful or not. I had just lost my son and I was in a lot of pain and also angry. The stages of grief are experienced in different ways and the emotional tsunami strikes down our belief system sometimes. Doubt and questions set the tone to feel helpless. Thirteen months have passed since my son’s transition to that very familiar but truly unknown and mysterious space people talk about. Some call it heaven. I call the space between because I want to believe he is that close to all of us. So, therefore, today I am grateful because I am in a slightly less negative place and I want to thank the people who have provided emotional support during my journey, some even among my WordPress community.

This week will be devoted to being more grateful and mindful of the many things that truly matter in this life. I collected many quotes to share with you. Some of which have been the inspiration for this post and for some poems I have written. I hope this helps those of you who have had doubts about gratefulness and who have a personal reason to believe that being mindful is a part of being grateful.

Here are some quotes to ponder:

“How can i grasp it? No, do not grasp it. Whatever remains when there is no more grasping, is the self,” – Vidyaranya, Panchadasi

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness,”

-James Thurber

“I found myself being grateful for the acorn that dropped directly on my stubborn head to let me know I am alive and that I must live it fully.” – Melba Christie

Please let me know what you think and share what you are grateful for these days.