Remembering is Bitter Sweet Today

Today we commemorate the victims of 911. 21 years have passed since that dreadful day. I was watching the ceremony that is aired today and I was touched to see the children of some of the victims reading the names aloud. They are all adults now. Some parents themselves. Some speaking of their grandparents as being some of the first police officers and firefighters to respond to the tragedy that horrible day.

Today is a bitter sweet day; September 11th this year is also Grandparent’s Day. Some of us will remember our grandparents now long gone and for others still blessed to have a grandparent, it is a day to call or simply send hugs and kisses to them.

As a grandparent, I looked at pictures of my grandsons and granddaughters. First the baby pictures then the pictures sent to me through a text message or an email. I have pictures of them all around the house to remind me how blessed we are to have them in our lives.

Today I want to share the podcast I dedicated to my grandmother. She was the only grandparent I ever knew. The others had passed before I was even born. I knew of them and cherished their memory because my mother and father made sure I know who they were. They were hardworking and each had a special talent.

Happy Grandparent’s Day to all grandparents out there. I hope you enjoy listening to my poem. Please send me a comment and do not forget to answer the poll I posted.

To all those who lost love ones on 911, I know the pain is huge. Especially to the mothers among you, I know now how immense the loss of an adult child can be. God bless you all. God bless all those who helped to try and rescue people that day. God bless all those who remain united and conserve our democracy. To my beautiful niece who survived and still remembers that traumatic experience, I love you very much. May God bless America.

Grandparents are Special.
Rest in Peace. Never Forget!