The Words I Love #2

These are some of the words I truly love:

There’s gorgeous, grandiose, and green

then there’s soothe, silly, and savvy

and of course, omnipotent, and magnanimous

along with mini and mania,

but best of all are verbs

like kiss, kissing, and kissed.

These words I will forever miss.

Since this first poem I have added some more words I love.


There’s lenience, tolerance, and mercy

attention, expectation, phenomenon

unity, diversity, and harmony

humility, reverence and respect

but the best are verbs and acts of kindness

like love, loving, inspiring, and unifying

giving, caring, and keep

I deeply hope you got my gist

Let us stand up and help love persist.

3 responses to “The Words I Love #2”

  1. Aman Thakur Avatar
    Aman Thakur


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Holistic Wayfarer Avatar

    I was a linguistics major in college. Enjoyed this post. =)

    (I HATE “emote” and “emoting”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melba Christie at Poemattic Avatar

      Thanks for your comment! Happy New Year!
